The Make-a-Wish foundation, which grants wishes to children battling life-threatening illnesses, got quite a unique request from five-year-old Miles Scott – he wanted to be Batman! So on Friday, the City by the Bay’s Make-A-Wish chapter turned San Fran into Gotham, and set out to let Miles act like his favorite superhero. The San Francisco Chronicle dedicated an entire page to Miles, who got his own Batmobile for his adventure. Then, cheered on by thousands of bystanders, Miles saved a damsel in distress and stopped The Riddler from robbing a bank, all the while winning the hearts of not only his city, but America!

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To Donate to the Make A Wish Foundation click HERE because we all know they do fantastic things for those little ones!

Too Much TV/Movies mad this 7 year old save her moms life!!

If you thought kids don’t learn anything from TV or movies…think again! See how this little girl saved her mom’s life all because of a Robin Williams movie! Robin Williams is mostly famous for three things: Making people laugh, doing damaging amounts of cocaine, and having gorilla-like amounts of hair. But one of his movies also just saved someone’s LIFE. On Friday afternoon, a 7-year-old girl named Amira Thorton was watching TV when she heard weird sounds coming from the kitchen at her home in Gresham, Oregon. So she ran in and found her mother CHOKING on a piece of sausage. Now, Amira says that at some point, her grandfather had told her about the Heimlich maneuver. But the reason she knew EXACTLY what to do was because she’d seen Robin Williams do it to Pierce Brosnan in the movie “Mrs. Doubtfire”. And apparently Amira’s pretty strong for her age, because she actually managed to pick her mom up off the ground THREE TIMES eventually got her to spit the sausage up and saved her life. See, who says you don’t learn things from watching TV/movies!?
